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WASHINGTON,les ugg, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Former ABC News "Nightline" correspondent Dave Marash has signed with the Arab News network al-Jazeera's new English-language network. Marash, 63, told The Los Angeles Times al-Jazeera is "a thoroughly respectable news
Nevin6su 03.01.2012 0 402

MIAMI, April 6 (UPI) -- The ConocoPhillips Co. has agreed to a $70 million settlement with residents of Pensacola, Fla., over a toxic plume generated by a fertilizer plant. The plume spread from the old Agrico Chemical Co. plant in central Pensacola to Ba
eiwaai54 03.01.2012 0 254

CHENGDU , China, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Authorities say 60 giant pandas removed from China's Sichuan Province after a 2008 earthquake should be back in a regional nature preserve by 2012. Local authorities said three of the 63 pandas that resided at the Wolong
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AMMAN, Jordan, March 16 (UPI) -- A fax was slipped under my hotel door in Amman canada goose jakke parka, Jordan on Feb. 8, 2003. It was from the "Embassy of the United States of America." It stated: "Private American citizens in Jordan should evaluate ri
Giles0810 03.01.2012 0 145

BAGHDAD, Jan. 21 (UPI) -- A Muslim holy day Friday was marred by a series of bombings in Iraq that claimed as many as 30 lives. An ambulance drove into a wedding party in a town south of Baghdad and blew up late Friday, killing as many as 12 people and in
George12 03.01.2012 0 164

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